Saturday, March 17, 2007

Mr T does not want your poop in China!

No Poop!
Originally uploaded by amyadoyzie.
Found this over on Flickr.. Mr T is telling coffee patrons in China to use the toilet across the street because the toilet at that particular establishment is connected to old pipes and doesn't take too well to chunky shit and lots of wipings. ;)

Question Authority with Dr. Peter Rost: Open letter to Pfizer's CEO

$11 Million salary, 36% raise and 10000 fired employees.

Hrm... I'm not sure if there is a link between the 10,000 fired Pfizer employees and the raise in salary of the Pfizer CEO. To me, it seems that the 10,000 employees were adding little to no value to Pfizer's bottom line, so they were axed. Perhaps the CEO was being rewarded for having the balls to make that move? Firing people sucks, but sometimes it has to be done.

Shit habits.

It’s time to do the duty. Poop and/or pee. Which comes first? When you sit down to take a shit, do you pee a little bit first? Perhaps you take care of your shitting first and then do the pissing? Or perhaps you just shit and you have no need to piss.

Here’s how it plays out for me:

  1. Sit down
  2. Release about 50 ml of urine
  3. Shit out two logs of turd material
  4. Finish up the urine release.

I think my poop habits are fairly typical. Please feel free to chime in with your rituals on the throne.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Old guys taking dumps at work

What’s the deal with the “old guys” at work taking shits? They have no shame. Here I am taking care of my business after my second cup of coffee in the morning. Along comes one of the “oldies” and they sit down in the stall next to you. How do I know it’s one of the “oldies”? First, they come in breathing heavy and sighing. Second, they start unzipping before they even get into the stall. Third, they drop their pants ALL the way down and I make out their ID tags with name and photo.

Anyway - these old guys have no shame. They don’t try to be modest at all with their business. Some folks like to cough when they do their farting, where others will loudly get the toilet paper off the roll while they sneak in a toot or two. The old guys, however… Lord! Grunting and carrying on like they are making a baby (or having one). Some guys get pretty vocal, throwing in a “oh, mercy” or “almost” in there.

Also, some of the guys on the extreme side of the “old spectrum” feel that they are obligated to NOT wash their hands. “Hey Leroy! Yea.. I can see you in the crack of the stall here NOT washing your hands you freak.”